Donate to HELP
By donating to HELP you will be making a valuable contribution to help us meet the ever increasing demand for our services.
Your support enables us to support survivors on an ongoing basis, ensuring the sustainability of our services for those that need them.
To make a one off donation or to join our Friends Frequent Giving Programme, click the "donate now" button.
Friends Frequent Giving Programme
Join as a Friend of HELP and make a sustainable weekly or monthly contribution to your community
As a Friend of HELP you will be making a sustained contribution to help us meet the ever increasing demand for our services.
How your donation helps

We received 906 calls to our 24/7 crisis line last year. Your donation helps us pay our crisis team who provide support and assistance when survivors need it most.

Our social work team support over 600 people per year with police interviewing, forensic testing and court processes and preparation for counselling. Your contribution means we can be there for survivors in these intimidating and vulnerable moments.

We provide over 5,500 hours of counselling annually to survivors of sexual abuse. By making a sustainable weekly or monthly contribution, you are supporting long-term recovery and ensuring a better future for survivors.